new age venture

by Tanuj Goel
Enquire now

our services

Concept Development

Market Research

Business Planning

Design and Layout

Staffing and Training

Menu Development

Marketing and Promotion

Operations Management

Who we are!

Welcome to the exciting world of the Cafe/Restaurants industry! As a business creator in this field, you have chosen to enter a bustling and constantly evolving market, where customers are always on the lookout for unique and high-quality dining experiences. From the aroma of freshly brewed coffee to the delicious flavors of artisanal pastries and baked goods, cafes have become a hub for social gatherings, work meetings, and everything in between.

What we do for you!

As a Cafe/Restaurants business creator, you will have the opportunity to shape and grow your own brand, and create a loyal following of customers who love what you have to offer. Whether you are a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, the cafe industry offers a wealth of opportunities to showcase your creativity, innovation, and passion for great food and beverages.

how we help you kick-start your business

In this highly competitive market, success often depends on finding a unique niche or value proposition that sets your Cafe/Restaurants apart from the rest. Whether it’s sourcing premium ingredients, providing exceptional customer service, or offering a cozy and inviting atmosphere, there are countless ways to create a standout cafe experience.




  • Concept and target audience
  • Business plan and budget
  • Location and accessibility
  • Menu and pricing strategy
  • Equipment and supplies
  • Staffing and training
  • Marketing and promotions
  • Permits and licenses
  • Legal and financial considerations
  • Demographics and foot traffic
  • Competition in the area
  • Visibility and accessibility
  • Parking availability
  • Rent and lease terms
  • Zoning and building codes
  • Target audience preferences and dietary restrictions
  • Market research and trends
  • Ingredients availability and seasonality
  • Food cost and pricing strategy
  • Menu layout and design
  • Consistency and quality control
  • Branding and identity
  • Interior design and decoration
  • Music and lighting
  • Ambience and vibe
  • Customer service and interaction
  • Consistency and attention to detail



+91 97118 19100



 T-540 Panchsila Complex, Corner Market, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi 110017